Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A more restful week full of French cultural immersion :)

Greetings from Normandie!

This last week was a little less busy as far as running around goes. :) I was able to spend quite a bit of time at home at the apartment getting caught up on little details like correspondence, finances, rest :), etc.

I also was able to spend a lot of quality time with my friends from the Alliance Francaise. We went to the Jardin des Plantes de Rouen on Tuesday and to the Musee des Beaux Arts de Rouen on Wednesday. It was just wonderful getting to talk and spend time to together and see so many beautiful things. I loved the religious art at the museum as well as the impressionistic art.
Mariana and I at the jardin

They're so great :) 

One of my favorite Monet paintings at the museum

I am continuing to get to know people from the church in Rouen. On Tuesday, I was able to attend their prayer meeting and Bible study again. Kristi also had two young ladies over on Thursday--one goes to the church and the other does not. We had a very nice dinner and some great conversations.

I also finished out my 3rd week of French classes. Unfortunately, my experience this week was not as good. We were given another new teacher, and the way she taught the class was not very helpful for learning. I was still able to learn some from her, but I am very thankful that this week we have gotten a different teacher. He is just superb, and I am trying to soak in as much information as possible this last week!

This past Friday Kristi was planning to get together with some ladies from church, but those plans fell through, and we suddenly had the evening free. Two hours before it started, Kristi was able to find an amazing classical concert being performed in the Abbatiale Saint Ouen by orchestra and some organ as well--works by Part, Beethoven, Poulenc, and others. It was one of the most moving and excellent concerts I have ever been to! What a treat.
End of the concert on Friday
Saturday, Kristi had a special meeting with the teachers involved in the children's ministry at the church, and I was the designated babysitter. I also got to know a few of the young people from the church better that day. Trying to explain how to play UNO in French to an 11-year-old boy was a highlight. :) 

On Sunday, I enjoyed another Sunday of worship at the church. Stephane preached a wonderful message on doubt. He compared the stories of Abraham and Sarah in the OT with how they are spoken of in Romans and Hebrews in the NT. He helped us to see how there isn't a contradiction between what we see in both places testaments, and how it actually shows forth God's great grace and omniscient perspective. In the afternoon all four of the elders of the church and their families got together at Stephane and Carolina's house for lunch with Kristi and I. This was very special and a very French experience. :) We left the lunch table around 5:30 or 6. That night, Stephane had to go to Paris, so Carolina and Anah came over to our apartment for a sort of spur-of-the-moment slumber party. We didn't want her to have to stay in an empty house. :)
Our full table--such dear brothers and sisters!

Kristi with some of her buddies :)

Our hosts Stephane and Carolina with their beautiful Anah

On Monday, we also had some friends from the Alliance Francaise over again for lunch. That was again a special privilege! 

This next week involves a lot of last little details before I head off to work at Camp Arc-en-Ciel in Larodde next Monday! Many thanks for your continued prayers.

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