Monday, June 23, 2014

International lunch, going visiting, babysitting, and the Louvre :)

Well, another week has come and gone. This one really flew by as Kristi kept us very busy! :)

I continued in French classes daily, and praise the Lord-- on Tuesday I was placed in a different class that is MUCH better suited to my level! I am really enjoying classes now, and the homework is much more manageable. I also went to the doctor on Tuesday (another fun cultural experience!) and got some meds. Thankfully I was fully recovered by about Friday or so.

On Tuesday we enjoyed another prayer meeting at the church in Rouen. They had a very lively discussion about I Corinthians 8.

On Wednesday, I had 3 of my best friends from Alliance Francaise over for lunch. We had a splendid time talking together! We hope to get to do it again one more time before we finish classes.
Lining up from West to East according to where we are from: Mexico, U.S.A., France, Germany, Africa, and Australia
Later that day, Kristi, Steph, and I went and visited a family that has been visiting the church. About a month ago, their 18 yr-old daughter was murdered. It was heartbreaking to be there with them and see the photos of her, but it was special to get to be an encouragement to them and get to know the family. 

Stephanie and I also packaged up some CDs that Kristi produced... they are narrations of Bible stories in French for children. She gives them out here in France and has distributed many in French-speaking African countries. A group is taking a large amount of CDs to Madagascar soon, and Stephanie and I packaged a few hundred of them. We watched the movie "Little Women" as we were packaging, so that was a fun break.

On Thursday, Stephanie and I went over to Stephane and Carolina's house for the afternoon and evening. Stephane is an elder in the church. They also have the cutest baby girl, Anah. :) We spent a few hours helping Carolina with a project she was working on for church, and then after Stephane came home, we went on a walk around their neighborhood for and hour and a half. They live outside of Rouen more in the countryside, and we saw some of the most beautiful countryside we've seen here yet. 
Little Anah 

On Friday, after French class, Stephanie and I again went to Stephane and Carolina's and babysat Anah so that they could have a date together. We had a wonderful time! We slept over at their beautiful home, and the next day Kristi picked us up to go to Paris for the day.

Kristi spent a lot of the day apartment-hunting, and Stephanie and I went off on our own little adventure. It was fun taking the metro around everyone and having to navigate the city on our own. I pulled out as much French as I could muster. :) This was Stephanie's last weekend, so it was kind of a last celebration for her. She really wanted to see the Louvre, so we went there for about 4 hours. We also got to visit Montmartre and hear many, many musicians perform around the city, as it was the national annual Fete de la Musique that day.
At Le Louvre 
On Sunday, we enjoyed another day at the church in Rouen. Stephanie played piano during the offering, and Kristi and I sang a duet of "Power of the Cross" in French. I also got to help Carolina in children's church. After church we had lunch with a wonderful family from church in their home and enjoyed building relationships with them. One of the young men in the family who is 18 was just baptized a few weeks ago, so that was exciting!

Today, Stephanie headed home to the U.S., and Kristi and I are already missing her very much! In the coming week, please pray for me that I would be very intentional about my time with the Lord each day, and that He would give me wisdom about how to follow His path day by day here! Kristi also has some important decisions to make in the coming weeks, so be praying for clear wisdom for her as well.

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